Spring 2014 Hair Trends

It is clearly here - Spring is surely springing...and it probably hit you in the face too- it was so sudden.... and (please please please don;t go!).... Londoners though I must admit are a funny bunch.... just a hint of sun and anything above 14 degrees.... and its summer!!!.... Out we go - drinking in the sun like our life depended on it!,...its so hot.... time for Shorts and Flip Flops!!!.....and then we wonder why everyone at the office is sick the week after!! Talking about Londoners!.... I came across a Blog yesterday - Hannah Gale - offered us ' 24 unexpected things that happen when you move to London ' .... I did have a chuckle.... here are my favourite two.. #2. Drinking will seem perfectly acceptable at all times. School nights don’t exist and you’ll find yourself necking 2-4-1 martinis on a Monday night without a care in the world. You’ll only notice that things might not be quite so wonderful when your doctor asks how many units you get through in a wee...