Colour Dysmorphia and the Celebrity Generation!

We all love a celebrity or two, we have our favourite ones and our hated ones... the ones we swoon over, the ones we LOVE to hate, and the ones that we love to emulate! But this whole I want to be Angelina, I want Kim Kardashian hair, make me look like Gisele is getting seriously out of hand! We all know that those glossy magazines sell you pictures that have been heavily edited.... think Kate Winslet looking like an Amazonian Goddess! - even she was apauled! so what I do not understand is: If we know that these models and celebrities are stretched, slimmed, glossed and what not via photoshop...what makes us think that the same is not being done for the hair? Well the answer is simple - yes it is! - sometimes to ridiculous proportions too - and we are not talking just about fashion magazines here, the biggest culprit in heavily edited hair are hair adverts - all those D-I-Y colour boxes and incredible shampoos are selling you a wonder it never looks ...