Met Ball 2015: When Anna MET the Rebelhearts

Being the most famous and possibly the most influential editor-in-chief in the world you must be used to people doing exactly what you say! So it must have been serious shock horror for Anna Wintour when a bunch of A-listers decided not to listen to her at all! For this year's Met Gala, Host Wintour had put a total ban on any selfies and/or the use of social media.... she did however realise very quickly that these A-listers may not be as easy to control as her Vogue employees.... starting with Ms. Rebelheart herself: Madonna.... Leading the pack to a cheeky selfie.... Not those cheeks! or these... Bey! The Theme to the Gala this year was China: Through the Looking Glass... Miley Cyrus in this Alexander Wand dress boasted about going Commando for the occasion. She also opted for a Pastel Blue Jelly look on her usually Platinum hair,...not sure quite feeling the look ...and there is nothing like studs and flesh to follow a China Theme.... (really bit...