Summer Olympics? - Going for BRONDE!

Have you noticed that all through Celeb world Blondes have been getting darker? That white platinum blonde has been non-existent for a good year or so... with the exception of the epic fail that was Kim Kardashian's Blonde ambition. In the last few years the Fashion and Beauty industry has been pushing the 'Natural is beautiful' tag. Automatically a lot of the fashion campaigns and adverts in general has been selling less bold looks and moved to a far more natural look overall - models slowly started looking a bit more real and the very alien 'fashiony' model took a step back. Think Cara Delevingne arguably the most present model this past year - possibly because she is someone you can relate to - slightly rebellious, does not conform much - could easily be the (HOT) girl next door .....and her hair colour? Not quite brown, not quite's BRONDE! The original poster girls for this are of course Gisele Bundchen and Jennifer Lopez... but ...