why Instagram is not your (hair) friend

So a deacde ago when you and I signed up to facebook it was all exciting times and yes it was fun to figure out what to upload, and so we all started creating albums, choosing profile pictures etc.. We started stalking some people, befriended others, and perhaps unfriended some fairly quickly too! and then came twitter, and then came instagram and pinterest and snapchat ,... and there's probably something I have not quite clocked yet that has just started too! Problem is that now we are getting so manufactured that it is not just an image we put on our social media we have to aspire to creating a brand not a profile.... Social Media is a great tool - I do love it... but as a Hair Stylist social media is slowly becoming a nightmare - and it is a monster that we have created! Just like on your facebook or other social media you will upload pictures of yourself having fun and how amazing your life is (or what you would like other people to believe) pictures of you and y...