2018: the year of the curtain fringe

Celebrities! - love or loathe them they are still one of our major forms of inspiration for a new style... Well, I never got someone coming in with a picture of the neighbour.... and that would also be totally creepy! With Instagram being our portal for everything celebrity - you can keep up to date with your favourite celeb and hair style, not only - if you get into total stalker mode you are only a few hashtags away to track down their stylists, and just like that tah-dah!! - you've got his/her hair stylist's Instagram - OMG I have just fast-tracked to Hair Nirvana! p.s.... our Insta is: @haircolourstudio 😋 So what are the hair trends 2018 is gonna offer us....? The Hair trends for 2018 are starting to form very clearly, and there is one element that really seems like it is going to be absolutely everywhere - and that is a Fringe! - Bangs if you are American (as a London hair stylist the first time a client asked me for bangs I blushed - wasn't too sure what ...