New Year, New Me: 5 realistic hair resolutions.

Happy New Year! It's 2020, and I am still trying to figure out where the decade has gone! With a new year as always comes that slightly guilt-ridden feeling that you should be making some resolutions in an attempt to be that better human being we all aspire to be. Of course we fail most of the times, because we quickly tend to forget to be kind - because let's face it as humans we are just not built that way. But what about a new decade? does that make resolutions more important? - more somewhat life affirming? a list of seismic power and proportion? Well, as you well know this is not the kind of blog that will preach how to better yourself... but it will give you a list of resolutions that you may be able to stick to a bit easier than helping grannies cross the road.... Welcome to 2020's Hair Resolutions! - probably the most achievable resolutions you will ever make in your life! 1. Treat your Hair weekly. It is one of those things...