Working from Home: How to have Zoom-ready hair during lock down

Just 3 months ago, we were all celebrating the New Year, as always we were imagining what it is going to be like - 'a year of change' some screamed, 'an exciting year of opportunity' others hoped for - but definitely no one could have quite predicted that we would be in the situation we are in right now! Three months in and we are stuck at home with a virus that has wreaked havoc through all of our lives - definitely no one saw this one coming! At Hair Colour Studio we are quite used to having you around when you are 'working from home' - but with self-isolation and a national lock down - working from home is really doing what it says on the tin. Yes at first the novelty is fun - days in pj's and laptops sound great... but then a few days pass by... next thing you now it is a week, and then it's 10 days - and just like that - it's your ROOTS! Sudden panic ensues what am I going to do with my hair when I can't leave the house and ...