Festive Hair...

It is definitely here!..... you can see all those Xmas Jumpers popping out everywhere, we are inundated with Christmas Shop-o-phobia, charities for this and that...Christmas Puds and Mince Pies everywhere , yes that all-time-madness - the Xmas Rush is here! I've always been one to get into a bit of a Xmas Spirit, though seeing Mince Pies stacked in October was a bit much.... let me at least go through Halloween in a spooky enough fashion.... Goblins and Elves are NOT the same thing!! Ok so I am not quite sporting a Xmas Jumper, yet. But I do secretly like them,... but considering my wardrobe consists of black, purple and grey...I think it might do a Narnia on me and be lost in no time! 'Tis the season to be Jolly they say, and with all the parties our way Christmas spirit may come in Liquid form, but you still need to look your best... Give your hair the festive treat - here are some of our favourite picks! Let's start with a style that works for the extrover...