Festive Hair...

It is definitely here!..... you can see all those Xmas Jumpers popping out everywhere, we are inundated with Christmas Shop-o-phobia, charities for this and that...Christmas Puds and Mince Pies everywhere , yes that all-time-madness -  the Xmas Rush is here!

I've always been one to get into a bit of a Xmas Spirit, though seeing Mince Pies stacked in October was a bit much.... let me at least go through Halloween in a spooky enough fashion.... Goblins and Elves are NOT the same thing!!

Ok so I am not quite sporting a Xmas Jumper, yet. But I do secretly like them,... but considering my wardrobe consists of black, purple and grey...I think it might do a Narnia on me and be lost in no time!

'Tis the season to be Jolly they say, and with all the parties our way Christmas spirit may come in Liquid form, but you still need to look your best...  Give your hair the festive treat - here are some of our favourite picks!

Let's start with a style that works for the extroverts but also the shrinking violets out there:

The side fish-tail is super versatile, you can present it in both Geek-Chic fashion, but also easy to glamourize with the right make-up and accessories! You can even take it a step further by adding a splash of colour using some hair chalk or clip in coloured extensions into the plait.


We mentioned the Faux-Bob back in August, but it is still super Hot on the cocktail party scene, and with Nicole Scherzinger sporting it a few weeks ago sending waves of shock-horror that she cut her hair,....and more over that her usual gorgeous hair is actually extensions ..... (jealousy gets you nowhere)

So, the name says it all, a faux bob is a fake bob. also known as a mock-bob or the loop, it consists of pinning your hair at the length you want it to be. What originally started as a summer heat buster has turned into an all-out glamour must-have....

Here's Taylor Swift ding it like a Pro!


For the really bold out there, noting says LOOK AT ME!  more than throwing some edge, some proper Rock n' roll in your stroll.....

Working with both short and Long hair, the quiff is for those who have no problem with having everyone's eyes on them! A quiff should always be teamed with some strong make-up  around the eyes and/or a good lippie, not for the Pastel Girl, unless you are ready to channel that inner Rock-Chick!


Retro Glamour is always a bit of a winner during the party season, and when we go retro there are two definite favourites.....

The Audrey....

Take out the retro..... and you got this beautifully up-dated fusion with the ballet bun... a la Cara....

....and of course The Bardot...


But for all-out Glamour without the retro touch, when it comes to hair at least,


Whether it's Hollywood waves, Hollywood sleek curls or an all out full-on voluminous blow dry - it is the only way forward to have heads turning without staring!! Safe but HOT!

That's a round-up for party hair 2013, remember:

Drink Responsibly, Play Safe, and don't gamble with your hair - Stay Fierce..

Merry Xmas everyone

HCC xx


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