Spring Hair trends 2016

Going away somewhere warm on holiday during the winter months can be both a blessing and a curse. The blessings are of course obvious, you loose that blue/green/yellow hue to your skin, you get a nice healthy glow, you ditch the coats and run around in tank tops.... drinks on a beach .... (ok I'll stop now as even I am getting depressed!).... The problem with a winter sun holiday is that you still get back to winter after all that... you do hope that when you get back it will be somewhat warmer - but no, you put the telly on and it's Gale wind warnings, cold snaps and colder weather on the way! sigh...... But then you see those daffodils springing up and everything becomes a bit more positive! There just is something about spring, there is always excitement in the air... like the first airing of a trailer to some great movie or series you so desperately want to watch..... (hopefully not Game Of Thrones.... as that would be a loooooong wait!) So to add to that exc...