Spring Hair trends 2016

Going away somewhere warm on holiday during the winter months can be both a blessing and a curse.

The blessings are of course obvious, you loose that blue/green/yellow hue to your skin, you get a nice healthy glow, you ditch the coats and run around in tank tops.... drinks on a beach .... (ok I'll stop now as even I am getting depressed!)....

The problem with a winter sun holiday is that you still get back to winter after all that... you do hope that when you get back it will be somewhat warmer - but no, you put the telly on and it's Gale wind warnings, cold snaps and colder weather on the way! sigh......

But then you see those daffodils springing up and everything becomes a bit more positive!

There just is something about spring, there is always excitement in the air... like the first airing of a trailer to some great movie or series you so desperately want to watch..... (hopefully not Game Of Thrones.... as that would be a loooooong wait!)

So to add to that excitement here are the Hair trends for 2016 - straight from the catwalks....

There is lots to choose from this year but the very clear direction for the season is a serious return to hair dressing far more than styling,

We found a very clear departure from the loose Boho braids that have been dominating the summer/festival look for the last few years.... This year if you are going down the braided look it is a far more structured, perhaps even stricter no nonsense look.

Of course it is pretty difficult to imagine this look taking over the Boho festival look, but there is the grungier rebellious sister to the braided look. As sported at Louis Vitton, the minimal peek-a-boo braided hair will be a definite must on the festival circuit.

Possibly because this season's catwalks have seen more buttoned up and high collars than ever before getting hair out of the way and making it more functional is a key trend, but nothing prepared us to a return to pig-tails!

But this time round they are swinging low and once again with a no nonsense approach, more dominatrix than Pippi Longstocking.

There is also the Hybrid version from Braid to pigtail -  rock chick meets Dutch maid.

Or even accessorize your pigtails ....

The other big trend was in fact accessorizing - the last few seasons, accessories have been working their way to the spotlight on the catwalks, but this time they have seriously taken centre stage...

We love the Heavy Metal accessories at Miu Miu and Chanel including the double bow (above)

If you do not fancy yourself as much of a metal chick, and would happily swap that cold hard metal for bright soft Tropical Flowers, then you will love the Carmen Miranda look, we absolutely adore this!

If you secretly would love to channel your inner princess you can most certainly knock yourself out with a Tiara this season.... just do not go all Cinderella, mix it up with Leather and Wellies as seen at Saint Laurent. Hair is strictly not too coiffured for this look -  (Tiaras and Curlers are a definite no go) this style is screaming Coachella!

Hair accessories are gonna be everywhere this spring/Summer, get ready - here are some other favourites of ours....

We love this casual up-do with Golden thread embellishments at Alberta Ferretti - great for the fuss-free bride!

Now before all you people who like hair on their face start panicking that there is nothing for you this season.... put those Ativans down - because Fringes are back with a BANG(s)

The Great thing is if you fancy a fringe but afraid to actually go for the chop there are some great clip in fringes available on the market, giving you the chance to fake it! (most catwalk models do not really have fringes!)

If we get lucky and the weather will get seriously warm this spring, That hair is certainly going up, and those twists that featured in a lot of the catwalks last season are here to stay - because let's face it when you do not have time to really go for it with your hair twists is what we do!

That was the inspiration at Bottega Veneta which undoubtedly portrayed the most wearable look (albeit too wearable) 'It's the way a very real woman would wear that hair' explained hair-stylist Guido.

True that, but with all options of ways to do and dress your hair, do not give into this trend so easily!

Never forget there is a fine line between a casual twist and a bad hair day!

Till next time!



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