Scary Night - Fabulous Hair!!! - The Halloween Edition

2013..... How are we feeling about this year? We are slowly plodding along through it... and whether we like it or not it will fairly soon draw to a close... can't believe we are already in Halloween week!!- Not that I do have a problem with that... I love Halloween - it's like the a Goth's version of Xmas - without the sickly feeling of eating too much! ... in fact you are likely to have a quick diet to fit in some cat-woman suit or evil dominatrix get-up! ........................................................MIAO!! But not all Halloween stuff should be seriously scary - and that especially goes for your hair! We can have scary hair moments through most of the year, but Halloween night does not give you a licence for a bad hair day! - Keep your get-up scary but the hair Faaaabulous! Here are some ideas..... Like most of your body (well, not always...judging by the last masquerade I've been to...) dress it up.... There are sooooo many wigs out there...