P.L.N - is it time for a makeover? - 'Ombre Chiaro Scuro'

We've all had a moment of  P.L.N - Personal Looks Neglect!!

Usually it happens around BIG Momentous happenings in our lives....

Main Culprits of such raping to our ego and our looks in general are usually:

No. 1 :    NEW BORN BABIES>>>

yes those bundles of Joy that take up all our attention for the first days,...become weeks, become a few months, then a look into that mirror and it's - ARRRGGGHHHHH!!! - I have turned into Iggy Pop's ugly sister!

Culprit No.2:  THESIS/FINALS/PHD's.........

How many people have you met at the very end of their final year in uni, masters etc. looking fabulous? - None? -  Exactly....
Even that  immaculately looking student at Fashion Central that looks a bit like they have put together their outfit over 10 board meetings in the early hours of the morning with the house of GAGA, starts looking a bit like Xtina Aguilera in her 'No-Baby-NO Days!'.....

...... Not gonna go through other culprits ..I might leave that for another rant of mine, but I came across a different yet very Loyal case of PLN.

Sarah here, was busy buying and doing-up a house, - so she settled for pulling her hair up in a bun for around 6 months :-/

Tsk Tsk, I know!

When I saw her, with half dark half blonde hair, my first question was...'which half do you want to match then honey?'

second was: can I take before and after pictures?... cause this will be worth it :-)

so here it goes...

after we decided to go for a darker shade we settled  to create an Ombre type of look, yet rather than the usual fade-out create a 'deluxe' version. whereby you not only create the fade out, but also run high-lights and low-lights through the whole colour breaking it up and making it more multi-faceted.

The result is what we called an 'Ombre Chiaro Scuro'... the literal translation to that would be 'Light and Dark Shadows' - the name confused Sarah, so we settled for Ombre Deluxe! - once we got over the name - she was happy with the result :-)

Remember doing a Colour Correction is not something one should be attempting on their own, always trust your changes and your hair, with a professional with plenty of years experience.

..and Ideally do not leave 6 months between visits ;-)

However now, Sarah was ready to face the world......BUN FREE!!

Next week.....seriously hot makeovers.....



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