Scary Night - Fabulous Hair!!! - The Halloween Edition

2013..... How are we feeling about this year?

We are slowly plodding along through it... and whether we like it or not it will fairly soon draw to a close... can't  believe we are already in Halloween week!!- Not that I do have a problem with that... I love Halloween - it's like the a Goth's version of Xmas - without the sickly feeling of eating too much! ... in fact you are likely to have a quick diet to fit in some cat-woman suit or evil dominatrix get-up!


But not all Halloween stuff should be seriously scary - and that especially goes for your hair!

We can have scary hair moments through most of the year, but Halloween night does not give you a licence for a bad hair day! - Keep your get-up scary but the hair Faaaabulous!

Here are some ideas.....

Like most of your body (well, not always...judging by the last masquerade I've been to...) dress it up....

There are sooooo many wigs out there it is unreal!! - the internet is jam-packed full, and if you come across a Chinese/Japanese site (ideally have google-translate on) - they can be seriously amazing, and of pretty good quality, still synthetic of course - but well made!
It might be a bit late to grab one now.. but there is a good head-start for next year!

Most importantly - get adventurous -especially if you are not usually with your hair this is the time to really go for it and go crazy.... tomorrow you can be plain Jane again!

If however you can't deal with a wig all night.......

Have you ever thought of grabbing hair pieces and sticking them to your hair?.... you can get some pretty amazing results without having the itchy-wiggy feeling.
Grab lots of synthetic hair, there are so many shops scattered around London (though my faves are in North-East London) where you can grab synthetic hair for brading etc... you can section your hair in buns, then attach the synthetic hair with hair-pins and get creative.... have loads of hair pins ready and a strong hair spray....

Here's one of our creations using that method! - strike a pose!

The great thing about Halloween - it is the one day in the year when you DO NOT NEED to fight the Frizz!!
In fact the frizzier the better..... but it must be FRIZZOLISCIOUS, not just caught-in-the rain frizz... and there s nothing better than that glamorous 70's look accessory that is the fabulous crimper for that! and the best thing, it is easy-peasy! -  Crimp your hair to it's entirety, once that is done comb it out - for added  volume you could also back-comb at the roots, and then a whole load of hair-spray!

Whichever way,  it is a good day to GO BIG... if you got long hair you can back-comb it to your heart's content....

and finally - Not for everyone but a splash of colour is always a sure-head turner and a sure-shot to make an entrance!
Of course changing your hair colour just for one night in a year is a bit extreme... so if you settle for a change - try to choose a colour you are happy to keep for a few months.... If however you want something bright, but not for keeps! - Temporary colours such as Hair-Sprays are the best solution - just make sure that they really are temporary!!

Well, now that you have all the hair options for the Spookiest Night of the year, get carving that pumpkin, and sort out the movies you will watch in the dead of night, post-party! (of course)!!

We would love to see your efforts!!.... tweet us - @haircolourclinic

Have some seriously scary Fun!!



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