First Ladies and Wrecking Balls: the best and worst celebrity hairstyles of 2013

2014!!! - can you even believe that?

Christmas went in a flash!...just about 4 weeks ago we were going mental over those Christmas presents - that Xmas Party,  and getting into that dress ...or suit (let's not be sexist here!), drank too much and went through our body weight in food on Xmas Day!

Once that was done we drank ourselves silly on the 31st...and BOOOM!! - we find ourselves back at work... in 2014!....How the holy grail did that happen? - where did 2013 go?

We can't quite help you with piecing together your 2013 I'm afraid, but we definitely can go through the best and worst celebrity hair styles of 2013!! - let the lauding (and the bitching) begin!


Whether we like it or not, Ombre are here to stay.... there are various interpretations to the multi-faceted colour that go from uber-sophisticated to frighteningly 2-tone.... we just love the soft stylish versions - these 2 ladies (albeit some with a little help from other peoples' hair) -  take the shady out of Ombre...




BIG is Beautiful... we just love love love big hair, and that crown last year went to the fabulous (I want her as a friend) Nicole Sherzinger. Yes she does have fabulous hair, and we've mentioned her a thousand times on the blog (Girl-crush alert!) - but on the X factor Disco Week - she totally showed us how it is D.O.N.E - Shamazing!

and to use Nicole's words...Gaga.....'No baby No'...


We may sometimes hate to admit it, but when it comes to chic there is some sort of weird gene that the French seem to posses that comes back to haunt us all.... and these 2 leading ladies just win hands down!

However.... as far as we know this next lady has No French Genes.... but she definitely gives Audrey and Marion some serious competition in the chic states!


So many girls out there are just soooo scared of short hair, for many it's a bit of a femininity thing, thinking that with short hair they loose that. But here is a lady that can seem to do nothing wrong..

Ms. Charlize Theron looking just stunning (as always) at the Oscars...

But one person that really showed us you can cut off all your locks to a super crop but still work it and make it look feminine ... was most certainly J-J-Jessie J...

....and she cut off the hair for a good cause which makes us love her even more!


You rarely find anyone somewhat linked to politics to make it onto a best hairstyle of the year list, it's like satan having a hit on heaven radio, it just doesn't happen... but Ms.Obama did make us applaud indeed when she sported this Fringe (Errrmm,..... BANGS - sorry Ma'am)

while the first-lady of trailer-ville, gave us this......


Let's talk extremes......

as we have two celebs that had it great,...but also terrible... two young starlets which we both like musically, and really did get a lot of stick in 2013.... Ke$ha .... and  Miley Cyrus...

let's do it the other way with these two.... starting with the 'What were you thinking?!?'

But we do let them off... because equally they gave us this....

Yes you do expect bold from Ke$ha - that is definitely not a shocker at all,... but this is Ke$ha doing it beautifully, could we even dare say with sophistication?  - not just in a quirky manner coz she is nuts... maybe even in a slightly more grown-up fashion? - but she probably wouldn't like that! so for the moment we'll just applaud this direction.

but let's finish off with the celeb that was omni-present through our year, Ms. Miley Cyrus.
Her  hair was sometimes a topic, but it was mostly about her twerk, her tongue, and clothing (lack of it that is).... we just think that people need to grow up (and we're not talking about Miley here) and face the fact that Hannah Montana is dead.... get over it!

Here she is, looking at her clothed best... and fabulous with her freshly cut hair!


and that's it! - our fabulous best and wrecking ball worst hair of 2013 comes to an end.....

Just remember whenever you need to shake off those post-festivities blues try twerking!

Till next time!



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