Olaplex - the hair revolution is here!

If you are colouring your hair you should be looking at Olaplex! - It really is as simple as that!

Olaplex has been around in the U.S. for just over a year but it has only just hit the UK shores with just a handful of salons offering the service - but rest assured this is just going to be super huge!

Olaplex first came to our attention thanks to Kim Kardashian,.... her super transformation from a dark Brunette to a Blonde baffled the lot of us, some because they thought it is insane, some because they thought it did not suit her, others because she was trying too hard!.... but what most hair stylists were thinking was: 'How does she still have hair?' - and the answer to that is Olaplex!

So what is Olaplex?

Well, the actual ingredient is a bit of a big mystery, though the speculation is that it is some sort of polymer that is activated with peroxide and coats the hair, but quite frankly I'm not gonna go all Sheldon Cooper on you for as long as the results are there - it could be made of Kryptonite for all I care!

and the results are truly there... If you go on Olaplex's Instagram page you will find loads of before and after images all by Hair Stylists really pushing the envelope in hair colour.

This Product truly unlocks the creativity in a hair stylist.

But let's go a bit deeper....

When hair gets damaged from too much colouring/bleaching/perming/straightening etc... it is eating away at the Disulphide bonds.

The Protein structures of the hair are held together by these disulphide bonds.

Olaplex rebuilds and perfects the hair's disulphide bonds, which is what gives us that silky feel, automatically prompting stronger shinier healthy looking hair.

This means that it opens up the doors to creating that colour that up till now was perhaps difficult to create due to the damage that it can make to the hair.

At the Hair Colour Clinic of course we had to have a go....

 Above is the hair before the colour service ...

and the result with Olaplex...

Our model's hair was quite compromised as she likes changing colours a bit more frequently than most ;)

The result was a vibrant colour on hair that is soft and silky to the touch - and this is with just one go... we can only imagine the kind of results one can get after some time of using colour with an olaplex up-grade!

Equally, if you do not colour your hair, you can still get an olaplex treatment in-salon to give tired hair a shine boost!

We can't put to words how much more exciting the world of hairdressing has just become, Olaplex is a real game-changer!

Happy Colouring!



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