Up-light Ombre for Summer 2016

We got summer! - it's 32 degrees .... for like 1 day, so I hope you are making the most out of it... I write this blog - and head straight to the Park!

Now before you start imagining me with some bottle of Soave on a checked blanket with Posh Cheese and Biscuits... think again , because like a good fraction of the nation I have succumbed to Pokemon Go! - Yes there will be wine - and a blanket (which is actually a black  tibetan monk type sheer from the Himalayas - thanks to www.likemary.com) but at some point I will be chasing Jiggly Puff in Hampstead Heath - and that is not a euphemism! - it's a Pokemon Character...

As a fan of all things Manga this comes as no surprise, but Pokemon Go has been getting quite a bit of bad press, but quite frankly if an app gets people off their arses and up and go... can't be that bad... it will make you walk far more than your FitBit will!

Talking about FitBit... I need to have a bit of rant about the Gym....

Is it just me or way too many people are looking preen at the gym? I don't know you, but when (I will stress on the 'when') I go to the gym I am there to shed some pounds and sweat it off - music is essential (so I take my own) but as far as attire- it's some crappy top and a pair of shorts I do not care much about...

But lately it is all perfectly stylized ponytails, make-up (yes make-up!) - the works.... Last week I thought I ended up in that Eric Prydz - Call on Me video....

Not that I got anything against gym gear... but with celebrity endorsements it is getting a bit ridiculous ....It took me a while to catch up on why I was seeing 'Ivy Park' everywhere... for those who still do not get it, it is Beyonce's gym Range named after her daughter Ivy...

Now I already have an innate hatred towards anything branded on a t-shirt screaming: 'look what I got!'  - Armani is probably my pet hate for that!

But the real problem is that I think this line actually accentuates the difference between Beyonce and Katie, Lily and Shaniqua down at the gym.... Not many people do look like Beyonce - and buying the range is not gonna change that!

It may not be a trend that will last, but I guess only time will tell....

Talking about trends that last.... let's talk Ombre!

It has been a good 4 years now since the 90's grungey favourite got an updated spruce... since then we had all kinds of variations from the harsh dip-dye..

The softer Ombre...

and loads of variations of Balayage...

and as much as trends seem to come and go like no tomorrow these just seem to be hanging on, the Dip-Dye seems to have gone (thankfully)  but Ombre and Balayage really are still going strong.. in fact we get a request for an Ombre pretty much every week at Hair Colour Clinic

Ombre is still far more popular than Balayage,  probably because the latter is likely to give a warmer result which tends to be favoured far more Stateside than in the UK....

But what about the Up-light Ombre?.................'the what?' - I hear you say...

Here at HCC after dealing with the 3 usual suspects above we decided to mix things up and blend a few systems together..

It all started with a simple idea,.. Balayage and Ombre are 'paint-on' systems and can sometimes take time for the colour to develop compared to regular foil highlights (as the foils conduct heat making the colour develop quicker and sometimes better) so we decided to mix the systems..

So we would still use foils but weave very fine highlights (just like Balayage would achieve but a cleaner result) but then marry those foils with the balayage system for low-lights and depth in colour while topping the look with the Ombre effect of lightening the ends again...

The mix of the three systems gives a soft natural look

Though if one wants to go bolder that would be possible too...

It is a great system for people who have had Ombre and are bored of it but are not really sure where to go, it can serve as a great interim between that Ombre look and Foils,

Equally it is great for people who have been having full-head foils and want to put some of their natural back in to create a softer more natural look without going too dark.

The style makes it also very easy when it comes to up-keep as the re-growth is much less apparent.

Great for Festivals and the Beach alike, this is the sure summer 2016 winner (all of the 2 days we are getting that is!)

Time to book your summer getaway (after you book the hair of course!) :)


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