12 best and worst dressed at Oscars 2017

Oscars 2017 - WOW!

Sadly we will probably remember it mostly for totally the wrong reasons - or should I say reason.

Let's face it - getting it wrong while presenting the award for best picture is a pretty monumental fail, but the whole idea that the wrong envelope (which was Emma Stone's winning Best actress) at such a huge event was given to the oresenters is even more dumbfounding!

Poor Warren Beatty one would think,.... but actually he just passed the buck and gave it to Faye Dunaway - poor Faye!

My heart does go to the whole cast and crew of La La Land that actually got to the stage to be told: 'Oh, sorry guys actually you did not win!'  - but you can only applaud La La Land producer Jordan Horowitz  (also part of the board) to stand up and making it right - pointing out the competing motion picture's win.

On a personal level I did like both films, though I did prefer La La Land, for as much as Moonlight brings up very valid social issues plus a very different  LGBT undertone, I can't help but feel it leaves me feeling very skeptical with an ending which is a bit far fetched in this day and age.

But before I start getting into film buff/ critic mode, let's get back to what we do best... and talk about the Glitz and Glam instead!

Here is our round up of the best, and of course the worst (coz we love those too!) dressed on the Red Carpet at the Oscars 2017.

We can't help but start with the lady of the night Bets Actress (and a bit of a girl crush for us!) Emma Stone...

Stunning in so many ways starting with the Old Hollywood glamour make-up. the hair - sporting the 'Blondorange' trend. ...and finally The Givenchy dress that works so well with the whole Art Deco backdrop that was all around the Oscars this year.
That stylist read the brief very well - Amazing ... and then on top of it all goes home with the little golden statue - *applause*

Looking totally and entirely fierce comes Viola Davis in a custom made Red Armani Prive gown, very fiery but elegant at the same time... The informal hair works magic too, as a fussy up-style would have changed this sensational look entirely.

Now a very different kind of FIRE was being served up by Taraji P. Henson - I mean, talking about Va Va and a f@!kin Voom this custom made Albera Ferretti gown paired with those Jimmy Choos was a proper trail blazer.

Shifting from HOT to Cute, Kirsten Dunst does glamarous but understated at it's best. This Christian Dior Haute Couture gown gets lots of brownie points for the pockets! and a 'woke -up-like-this' up do ,but an elegant diamond necklace rounds it up for the red carpet - lovely.

Now let's throw a man in the midst of these ladies - winner for Best Supporting Actor Mahershala Ali looks great in this tone on tone Emenegildo Zegna tuxedo suit - definitely gets our best dressed man award!

Some useless trivia - Ali is the first Muslim actor to win an Oscar, which in light of recent news and current affairs and Trumptastic situations this trivia may not be that useless afterall!

Staying on a political note Ruth Negga looked stunning in this Valentino gown

everything was on point - the regal hair, the jewellery... but the stand-out piece has got to be the ribbon, not only for it literally stands out on the 'wax-seal red', but because it is a rather bold move to show support for the American Civil Liberties Union who spoke out against Trump's travel ban - applause

The next one we are a bit lost with...is it Belle from Beauty and the Beast? , no it's Leslie Mann. Honestly do not know if to love it or hate it.... by all means feel free to let us know what you think......

Ok, let's start shaming now.....

Oh Dakota! where do we start!

You were invited to the Oscars, not asked to be one....

This Gucci Champagne satin dress really did nothing for her, the hair is appalling, her stance looks uncomfortable... ok we'll stop...

Someone who surprised us for getting it so wrong is Sarlett Johansson:

As much as we love her hair short, the execution of this is a bit clumsy, the make-up blends with that  Alaia dress that does nothing for her shape, and way too casual for the red carpet - Scarlett NO-Hansom

AArrrggghhhhh - get that fringe away from me now!!!

This hair is so badly early 90s  even the cast of Beverley Hills 90210 (the original one that is) would cringe. Then there is the dress.... honey there is some dust  - could you.....?

Oh Ryan, why oh why?

You missed out on the statue.... but you made us cry at the end of La La Land, but not as much as the flood of tears that this shirt had to answer for, we got nothing more to say but: Why?

and finally....

The Ghost in the machine....

Felicity Jones in this Dior dress was either trying to camouflage herself with the background or is trying to convince Disney to a Kasper remake in a female version - it can be done - think Ghostbusters! - oh did I say Ghost again?

Oscars 2017 are over... moral of the story always check you have the right envelope.... and if you don't, blame your partner!

V xx


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