6 Hair Trends you want this spring / summer 2017

Summer is hopefully round the corner, and this month we are taking a look at the shapes we are going to want to sport in the hotter months of the year.

It is very much a story of extremes this year.

So Great Britain has gone a bit Bananarama-o-rama! Yes we've all gone a bit crazy for the comeback of the original 80s girlband,,,, so much so that they just had to add more dates on their tour! That's Totes Bananas if you think about it!

So if you are trying to  figure out what to wear on the day of the concert: go full-on 80s or keep it decidedly 21K?

Fear not because there is plenty of 80s coming our way this year!

starting with the Faux Perm

Perms were HUUGE (in all senses of the word) in the 1980s, the hair was big it was teased and most of the time it was fried too! - Chemicals were far harsher than they are today - so going down the perm-route is of course an option, but to be fair we do not really see the point when you can have your one night of Bonnie Tyler hair with tools such as the 'chop-stick'. 

It basically is a micro tong which gives you seriously tight curls that can be both  80s pop queen as well as Disco Diva - what's not to like?

I personally did 2 perms in my life, one to pass the test when I was 17 the other for my partner a few years back.... Thankfully I missed the 80s perms (though I remember my sister transforming herself into a poodle!) and quite frankly I'm pretty happy about it!

If perms were not enough, why don't we bring back the Mullet too? - No really.

The new adaptation of the Mullet - or the MoMu (Modern Mullet) is actually a thing. I do believe though that we are giving it a total dis-service by calling it a 'mullet' as it far cooler than the actual hideous style sported by many in the decade

I find it far more Rock Chick than a mullet definitely more Crissie Hynde... in fact I think we'll re-christen it the Chrissie!

So hair was my thing in the 90s, and the very opposite of the 80s perm was born..... the Super Sleek... and it is back with a vengeance.

As I said it is all abut extremes - which is why you do not wanna go dive for a perm, because you may want to be super sleek the next day! 

Super Sleek was everywhere on the catwalks for SS17 and we are seeing more and more celebs ditching the wavy hair for super sleek straight. Thing is this trend looks great when the hair looks healthy too, not fried with the constant use of GHDs. For that reason, going for a straightening system is of course a better option then using heated tools. Between Brazilian Smoothing systems or IHR Permanent Straightening you got plenty of options to choose from for a Silky Shiny summer!

With a lot of the fashion leaning very much to the 1990s this season - straight hair (and bandanas) is definitely gonna be a thing!

If you are sporting a fringe this season it is gonna be long and slightly parted - The 'Bardot Fringe' will be the piece de resistence this Spring. It is a great style as can work for all ages too... Bardot pioneered it, Kate Moss sported it.....but, I mean. Goldie Hawn has had it for decades! 

If you are feeling bold - and short hair is your thing, going for a bob this year is not going to cut it (excuse the pun) - when we say short this year - we mean it!

The trend is clearly happening: from a defiant Scarlett Johansson going short to post-break-up Katy Perry we are loving our edgy ladies' statement hair..

And if you are really bold maybe you can have a Kristen....

and not for the faint-hearted perhaps a Cara?

Her shock look at the MET Gala had people questioning all kind of things. We did know she shaved her head as she documented it via Instagram first by putting a picture of a pile of hair on the floor. She spent the rest of the week hiding the crop till we got to the MET Gala where she sported this futuristic look which was essentially painted straight onto the shaved head.

Now before you start thinking echoes of Britney here, she actually shaved her head for an up-coming movie role. The movie titled Life in a year which  she stars together with Jayden Smith, follows a boy (Smith) who after discovering his girlfriend is dying decides to give her a full life through that year. 
For that reason, we can only applaud Cara Delavigne for the bald ...sorry bold move.

We did say it is a case of extremes .... and here's some more...

Cher Hair! - yes you guessed it it is super straight and super long!

and with Rihanna, Kim Kardashian and Naomi Campbell and Nicki Minaj sporting it, maybe its time to give Hair Extensions a go.

At the Hair Colour Studio we use Cold fusion Great Lengths. The system does not use glue or heat to apply the bonds of hair but instead uses a wax and keratin polymer that is fused to the hair using ultrasound. If taken good care of - mainly brushing the hair daily to make sure there is no entangling there is virtually no damage to the hair and can last a good 5 months!

So what extreme will you sport this season?


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