Halloween : 5 easy Hair-inspired costumes

It is just 2 weeks for Halloween! and we couldn't be more excited!

But did you know that even though we tend to always say that here in Europe we have slowly adopted this American holiday, it is actually  the other way round.

While we now associate it with trick or treat, costumes and apple-bobbing the ancient origins are pretty far off..... 2000 years far off in fact with a Celtic festival known as Samhain, when they used to believe that ghosts would roam the earth on the 31st of October so people left food on their doorstep to ward off the ghosts but also put on masks when they left the house so they would be mistaken for fellow ghosts.

In the 8th century the Christian church tuned it into all-hallows eve... which eventually was shortened to Halloween.

The trick or treating we know today originates from medieval Britain with a tradition known as Guising , when young people would dress up and in return for food, wine or money they would sing, recite poetry or tell jokes (a bit like a modern day busker or street performer).

Scottish and Irish immigrants in 19th century America revived the tradition into what we now know more as trick or treating. Though it was all far more about tricks than treats.
It became the family-friendly more kids oriented holiday in 1950s America.....and the rest is history. With an estimated 2.5 Billion dollars spent on costumes, and a staggering 6 Billion on Candy just in America, Halloween has gone very far from its modest Celtic origins!

But enough about the past and let's look into the future,... do you have your Halloween costume sorted for the 31st?

Fear (pun intended) not if you haven't because we got 5 Hairdos you can do to start off your Easy costume ideas....


Dead Stepford wife

That 50s American housewife is a great way to take things a bit away from the ghoulish zombies and ghosts, but twist it with a crazed up dead make up and you got a winner.... house props like a rolling pin, cakes etc, will help finish off the look.
To get that hair 'Mad Woman' style , give yourself a deep parting and curl your hair outward with a tong or a wand... (if you have real stepford wife time on your hands you can even go for rollers!) Once done carefully brush through the curls without separating to create a uniform wave. 


Unicorn Hair

With all the crazy colour out there this is bound to be a firm favourite this year. But if you have not gone down that route this is your perfect time to do something crazy with your hair for one night without the repercussions of 2 weeks later after a few washes. Just go crazy with pastel coloured hair spray and then stick a horn!...wings optional!



Move over Elvira and Morticia, the real new cool kid on the block is Wednesday.... of course Cristina Ricci's version was of course great... but mix it up with a bit of Chanel-inspred attire and you have got the chicest Halloween costume EVAAA....
If you are confused how to do that think Anne Hathaway in Devil wears Prada... top it with that iconic middle parting and tight plaits from Ricci's Wednesay and (apple)- Bob's your uncle.....


Betty Boop

Every girl should have a tight red dress.... If you have black shoulder length hair this is a real easy peasy one,... tong or put rollers in your hair release them to keep the curls tight and separate, work some serum through the curls for gloss and go crazy with the Hair Spray... the Glossier the Better!
Top it up with the iconic Betty Boop huge eyes make up and you can go to that last-minute party. Get a wig if you are feeling really lazy! (you cheat!)


Frida Khalo

This is a real easy one.... especially if you are somewhat good at braiding. Put your hair in a middle parting and create two big plaits then roll them up. Embellish with flowers and go as Mexican as you like with your attire. Keep the flowers fresh for that extra prettyness....



Dead Frida Khalo

Same situation with the hair but go crazy dark with the make-up and darker ideally funeralesque with the clothes, and definitely no fresh flowers....

For both Fridas the mono-brow is always optional ;)

I do not wanna hear anything such as 'it is too complicated'.... these are all easy!

Hopefully this has given you some inspiration.... I know it has with me... I'm off to start working on my costume!

Happy Halloween!



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