Post-Lockdown: What to expect when we re-open.

Already a month has passed since we were eagerly awaiting the UK governments extensive 50-page plan for easing the lockdown, us very much like most people thought - shops are re-opening mid-June that is ok... let's get ready for this.

Sadly that notion was destroyed the day after by Dominic Raab who explained that hair salons are not shops and re-opening will be in phase 3 and that is July.

With Dentists opening this week it is a bit' insult to injury' - but we will leave that whole argument!

So while we hope that we will be opening in July here are some things that will change, and some new measures we will be implementing.

Of course at Hair Colour Studio we are quite lucky that our regular running of the salon is already in-line with making the salon a safe space post-lockdown:

We always worked strictly by appointments only - so no walk-ins.

We only have one-to-one services so you know your stylist will be with you for all your service.

Being a small salon there is never a large amount of people at the salon - even on busy fully booked days since we do not have juniors / receptionists etc. so everything is contained.

Stepping into the salon:

To adhere to social distancing rules we will not have the waiting area operational upstairs anymore - so try to be punctual for your appointment - if you are early you may be asked to wait outside.

Come to your appointment on your own, do not bring friends/children/spouses.

Before stepping into the salon you will have your temperature checked.

Once in the salon sadly we are going to have to pass on handshakes, hugs and kisses for the moment.... (hopefully they will have a major comeback later on)... but for now the more important gesture is to go straight to wash your hands.

The bathroom will have an anti-bacterial hand wash, paper towels, and a hand lotion to deal with those dry hands too!

If it makes you more comfortable you can hang your own coat/jacket in the closet downstairs,

Hand sanitizers are also going to be available dotted around the salon too.

Your stylist will make sure to disinfect the area he/she is working in before you make yourself comfortable. (Most of you have seen us do this before - so again no major change for us - but perhaps more thorough)

We are installing some new UV sterilizers which will disinfect all the tools that would be used on each client.

Gowns will be one-time use only - Apart from our usual kimonos we will also have plastic disposable gowns - however we understand that they may be a bit hot in the summer months - so you will have the option to choose.

Our stations are already at a 2 metre distance, however we will be using the downstairs area too to make things even safer for all of us if needed.

To avoid handling of products:  if you are interested in one let your stylist know rather than go through the products at the retail stand.

Some salons are removing magazines entirely. We believe that if everyone sanitizes their hands they should be safe, so they will remain available however if you would like us to remove them from the station during your visit, we will.

Your stylist is gonna be looking a bit like a lab technician - but we are absolutely rocking the visors! - with face masks compulsory during travel from next week, we ask you to keep that face covering handy during your appointment - most importantly at the washbasin.

And don't stop smiling - even with a mask one can tell!

A lot of these measures in reality are common sense - so really not difficult to follow. Some salons are creating steps/stickers/ physical ribbons / partitions etc. We think our clients do not need to be herded like sheep.

Looking forward to having you all Baaaaack!


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